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January 2005
An assortment of .45-85 Bullard Cartridges........
are four variations of the .45-85 Bullard cartridge by the Union Metallic
Cartridge Company and two by Winchester. Those by UMC include a full metal
jacketed bullet, two lead lead bullets, the second being a British style
copper-tubed express bullet, and a wood bullet shot load. The 'S H' in the
four UMC headstamps identifies the cases as having solid heads, rather than
being of the early folded head construction. The first of the two Winchester
cartridges has a folded head, unheadstamped case, indicating production
sometime prior to about 1880. Winchester began producing solid head
cases around 1880, and began applying headstamps to its sporting ammunition
in about 1884.
Cartridges for the Remington rolling block

Here are eight cartridges for the Remington Rolling Block Pistol, the four
slightly necked on the left for the Army model pistol, and the four straight
tapered cartridges on the right for the Navy model pistol.
The Army cartridges include one Martin's primed on the left, the rest being
Benet primed. All four were probably made at the Frankford Arsenal in
Philadelphia, although the fourth one probably had its lead bullet removed
and the shot filled wood bullet added by Stokes Kirk, a New York seller of
surplus military goods around the turn of the century. The four Navy model
cartridges on the right include a Benet inside-primed example made at the
Frankford Arsenal on the left, followed by a lead bullet load and a wood
bullet shot load, both Berdan primed and made by the Union Metallic
Cartridge Company in Bridgeport, Conneticutt. The last cartridge, with its
rounded head and copper Farrington primer, was made at the United States
Cartridge Company in Lowell, Massachusetts.
.500 Revolver cartridges with plenty of
four cartridges shown here are variations of the .500 Tranter or
Webley revolver cartridge, introduced around 1880 in England for use in
revolvers based on the Tranter and Webley patents. All four have bullets
that weigh in the range of 340 to 350 grains. British production of the
cartridge ended by 1920; European production continued much later, with the
German firm Rheinisch Westfalische Sprengstoff (RWS) listing it in their
catalogs as late as 1939. The first two cartridges are British, and were
made by Eley, the first one being quite early based on the headstamp style
and the two piece battery cup primer.
last two are French, based on their headstamps, which indicate they were
made by Gevelot & Gaupillat. The last cartridge also has a battery cup
primer. The revolver shown here was made for Boss & Co., a London retailer,
in the 1880s. It is based on a William Tranter patent, and is so marked. Its
cylinder holds five of the .500 cartridges.
Two interesting Rem-UMC .45-70s

Here are a couple of not-so-old .45-70 Government cartridges made by Remington-UMC that don't show up every day. The first
is a smokeless load, identifiable by its 'U' marked primer and the
case cannelure. It is loaded.with a
jacketed soft point bullet, and is pretty normal in all respects except for the headstamp. It was stuck twice during the stamping process, making the
headstamp look a little more out of focus than it actually is. Portions of
the first strike are readily apparent on the left side of the head at about
the 8 o'clock position where 'GOV' appears between the heavier 'REM' and
'45' of the second strike, and on the right hand side at 3 o'clock, where
the 'M -' from 'REM-UMC' is visible. The second cartridge is a wood rod
dummy, with a hole in the primer and four holes in the tinned case. The
plating is nearly worn off of the case. It is
topped off with a 405 grain lead bullet.