Home of the Old Ammo Guy's Virtual
Cartridge Trading Table
Picture Page
October 2011
A bulk pack of Remington .310 shotshells.........

This 250 round bulk pack of .310 rim fire shot
cartridges was intended for use with the
Model 310 Skeet shotgun, a firearm that never got beyond its developmental
stage in the 1960s due to a general lack of interest by the shooting public.
Only a couple of thousand of the shotguns are thought to have been made for
Remington by Industria Brazileira (CBC) of Brazil. Many of them were sold to
company employees to get rid of them after poor sales of the rather cheaply
made guns in the Connecticut and Texas, the only markets where they were
ever offered for sale.
These are essentially 32 caliber (or 8 m/m) rim
fire cartridges with a clear plastic disc or wad held in place by the roll
crimped mouth of the brass case; they are headstamped with the standard ‘U’
that has been used by Remington since its merger with the Union Metallic
Cartridge Company in 1912. The box that they came appears to be a standard
white 12 gauge shotshell box to which has been applied a white label with
green print and
no graphics. The box has the lot number N27A stamped on one side. It's
possible that the cartridges may also have been made for Remington by CBC,
but there is nothing on the box to suggest that they were made outside of
the U.S.. The box is marked with the standard Remington Bridgeport
ammunition address, and is also marked 'Made in U.S.A., so I have to assume
that they were made by Remington. Similar cartridges will be
found in 100 round boxes with the brand name Expresso, with Spanish markings
and the CBC in an oval logo. The cartridges will have a ‘star’ style mouth
crimp; I don’t know what headstamp is on this ‘Spanish’ version of the
An unfinished .357 magnum proof case....

Here's a headstamp you don't see every day, or at least I don't. Made by
or for Black Hills Ammunition, it is a case for a .357 magnum proof load.
Because of liability issues, the gun companies that use proof cartridges
tend to be pretty diligent about keeping both the cartridges and the fired
cases out of circulation, but they do occasionally make it into the hands of
collectors. What makes this case even more interesting is the fact that it
is an unfinished case, lacking a flash hole.
A 'Vampire-killing' cartridge..........
I have never had much of an interest in cartridge
oddities, but given that Halloween is just around the corner, the
unexplainable popularity of vampires on television and in the movies, as
well as the impressive quality and intriguing provenance of this particular
item, I just couldn’t resist including this on my picture page for October.
was recently contacted by an antiques dealer who advised that she had
recently purchased some .38 special cartridges with a silver ‘Dracula head’
bullet. I asked for pictures and sure enough, the bullet had a well executed
depiction of a vampire’s head, its mouth open to reveal the long canine
teeth that would be expected on such a creature. I
have included the picture here. Note that two versions are shown, one with
an R-P headstamp and the other with a Winchester headstamp. Further
correspondence with the owner revealed that the cartridges had been
purchased from the estate of Horace Greeley IV, noted Colt collector and
author, who died in 2003. A little time spent googling Horace Greeley and
vampire cartridges yielded good results, and I soon found myself looking at
a beautifully engraved Colt Detective Special revolver on the NRA Firearms
Museum web site. The revolver is in a red velvet lined, coffin-shaped case,
which also includes a vial of ‘holy water’, a cleaning rod/wood stake with a
detachable handle, and, arranged in the shape of a cross, six of the
cartridges with the vampire head which closely match those of the antique
dealer. According to Jim Supica, director of the NRA National Firearms
Museum, this cased revolver was from the Robert E. Petersen collection, and
was reported to have been owned previously by Horace Greeley.
have included several links below to information pertaining to the revolver.
If anyone has questions regarding the cartridges, please contact me.
